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Reserve A Table

Please Note: We will be in touch shortly after to confirm your booking.

For enquiries for tables of 8 or more guests, please call 01788 510 426 to discuss your group’s requirements


Buy A Gift Voucher

A Pytchley Gift Voucher is a thoughtful and alternative gift for any family member or friend, and a great way of saying a special thank you.

Vouchers can be ordered for any denomination from £10, and can be redeemed against meals, drinks or overnight accommodation without any restrictions or date deadlines.

Contact The Pytchley on 01788 510 426 and leave the rest to us. Alternatively use the contact form below to supply us with details of your request -: we will be in contact shortly to take payment for your Gift Voucher.

16th July 2021

Keeping everyone safe

We cannot thank everyone enough. Your ongoing support & patronage has made it possible for us to survive these challenging times!

To reassure customers, The Pytchley continues to put our customers’ welfare at the centre of everything we do.
Throughout this pandemic we have been consistently congratulated on the ‘above-and-beyond’ measures that we have undertaken make our customers feel safe.
To protect our staff and business from the potential disruption that widespread self-isolation inevitably invokes, we continue with the following procedures:

Face-coverings. Expect to only be able to see half the face of our gorgeous team members when you visit. They will still be wearing masks or visors to protect you and themselves for a little while yet. And, we will be respectfully encouraging all our customers to do the same when moving about in our building.
Table service. We will continue to take your orders for food and drink at table. You will be welcome to come to the bar and order drinks if you prefer, at quieter times when over-crowding is unlikely. Please be considerate if our staff ask you to disperse or take a seat at table if the area becomes overcrowded.
Social distancing. We believe that it’s more important than ever that the tables at The Pytchley remain sensibly spaced for comfort and safety. This may mean the we will asking you to be flexible with your preferred booking slots, and patient with service times. Other common sense systems will ensure that ‘bottlenecks’ are avoided.
Track and trace. It will no longer be a legal requirement for you to check in with the NHS Track and Trace app when you visit The Pytchley. We will however continue to support the NHS in their efforts to limit transmission, so you will be asked to either scan in, or leave contact details of one member of your group to secure a booking.
Ventilation. Thank goodness it’s summer! Expect to find The Pytchley just a little bit more draughty than usual. Windows and doors will remain open (bring a cardigan if you are likely to feel the cold).
Screens. Our perspex screens in reception and at the bar are tasteful & discrete – they provide a useful reminder not to lean in and get ‘close and personal’ – and as such they’ll remain in place for the time-being.
Sanitising. Why wouldn’t you want to know that staff and fellow customers are as clean as they can possibly be when they come into contact with your plates & cutlery, and with touchpoints in the building? For keeping Covid at bay, and for the avoidance of all common infections, we will continue to promote good hand-sanitation practice throughout.
Hygiene. It goes without saying – but we will continue to keep The Pytchley (and especially tables, kitchen, loos, public areas and touch points) completely spick and span!
Chillin’ outdoors – so sorry that the marquee is no longer an option at The Pytchley. We do however still have a really lovely beer garden to enjoy these long balmy summer nights outdoors if you prefer the al fresco experience.

Of course – if you’re still a bit uncertain, we completely understand (don’t forget that we continue to offer our lovely homemade food to takeaway if you prefer to stay at home).

We genuinely believe that these common-sense measures will enhance everyone’s experience at The Pytchley, and not impede in any way on the atmosphere or affect your enjoyment of our facilities here. We’d like to thank our amazing customers for your continued loyalty and patience.
Onward and upward!!
Tracy & Jim

Get In Touch

Address: The Pytchley Inn, 23 High Street, West Haddon, Northamptonshire, NN6 7AP

Tel: 01788 510 426

Email: info@thepytchley.co.uk

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